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Welcome to Brackenbury Primary School

Please phone the office to book a tour with the headteacher.




In March 2022, OFSTED visited our school and we were graded GOOD in all areas.  The report reognises that Leaders’ determined efforts have transformed this school.   They noted that Every pupil is encouraged to play their part in this inclusive school.  We felt very proud of our staff, children and families who have been part of our journey and we look forward to welcoming more of you.  

OFSTED commented that - 

Pupils are taught to be proud, brave and determined, and they are. They are proud of their work, determined to try hard, and have worked bravely with teachers to improve this school...By following the ‘Brackenbury Way’ and being their ‘Brackenbury Best’, pupils know how to behave well. They listen to teachers, follow the school’s rules and help each other. Pupils live up to teachers’ high aspirations for achievement. They work hard in lessons because they want to be good learners.   Read the full report here.

The children, families and staff members make this a great school to work in and be part of.  We work hard to make sure your children have an enduring primary experience.  Our dedicated staff team make sure your child will have the best start to school.   We try our Brackenbury Best to give your children a memorable all round education.  Do watch the video above to find out more about us.

Our new prospectus is available on this link.  The office also has printed copies if you would prefer.

Tours of the school can be made by contacting the school office on 01273.418850.  All tours take place during the school day so you can see what it is like to be part of the Brackenbury community.  You will be shown round the school by the headteacher - Lizzie Mullarky.  This emables you to ask questions and see the school in action.  We are looking forward to meeting you. 


Dear Families,

I am delighted to serve our wonderful Brackenbury community.  The children, families and staff members make this a special school to work in and be part of.  We work  hard to make sure your children have an enduring primary experience.  We have a dedicated staff team that carefully plan so your child will have the best start to school so they are set up for learning for life. We nurture each child, ensuring they thrive academically, socially and emotionally.  We teach the children the Brackenbury Way when they arrive at our school, so that we have productive, positive and predictable routines that keep your children safe, happy and ready to learn.  Brackenbury Best is what we strive for every day in our work and play.  Children who have tried their Brackenbury Best and always keep our school code are invited to Hot Choc Friday with the headteacher each week. 

Our school values reflect our aspirations.  

We are proud. This means we are proud of ourselves, our work, our friends, our school and our community.

We are determined.  This means we try our best; we are resilient and we keep trying even when things get tough.

We are brave.  This means we try new things and we stand up for what is right.

You will see this reflected around our school.

I am very proud of the efforts of our whole community - staff, children and families.  This is what we can offer you:

  • A friendly and welcoming school family
  • An open door policy for all families with the head and assistant head available each day
  • A safe space for children with a calm atmosphere, positive regard and predictable routines
  • A dedicated and well-trained staff team that strive for the best at all times
  • A strong academic curriculum with clear systems for reading, writing and maths that support all children
  • An exciting and engaging curriulum that fosters an awe of the world we live in, develops vocabulary and has enriching experiences built in
  • A focus on arts and sports with a huge range of opportunities for all our children
  • An opportunity to peform in a range of different perfrormances -  Christmas plays, music performances, class assemblies and end of year performances
  • Brilliant playtimes, through the Outdoor Play and Learning approach which has transformed play and offers a huge range of activities
  • The chance for each child to be a leader for different areas of school life - e.g. being a school ambassador, school councillor, librarian, house captain or sports leader
  • A wonderful learning environment including a woodland trail, art room, music room and science room
  • A school library with Brackenbury Reads and an offer of a rich, diverse reading material so that we represent all our families and children and those in the wider world.  
  • A breakfast and after school club to meet the needs of working parents

See below for the awards we have won for different curriculum areas.

This year,2024-2025, our school strategic plan is focusing on these core themes

  1. BELONGING - Our aim is to ensure that all voices in school are heard SO THAT all children feel they are part of the Brackenbury family and that their opinion matters and can affect change.
  2. OUTCOMES - Our aim is to raise the outcomes for all children SO THAT all children acheive the very best.
  3. CURRICULUM​​ - Our aim is to ensure that all subject leaders have clear vocabulary, planning and assessment procedures SO THAT monitoring shows high quality learning in all subjects.​

Even during tough times , our school has flourished, moved forward and been at the heart of our community.  I could not be prouder to serve the school and our Brackenbury family.  

Lizzie Mullarky - Headteacher


We are using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised to teach phonics and early reading.  

We are delighted to announce that we gained the GOLD school games award for 2021-2022, 2022 - 2023 and 2023 - 2024.  

This is in recognition of all of the sporting opportunities the children have at Brackenbury. 


Brackenbury Buzz


We have a large number of policies that underpin life at school. These policies cover everything from curriculum areas and child protection to lettings, as well as including statutory policies and review of spending for pupil premium and sports funding.

Paper copies of any of this information can be provided free of charge; please ask at the office for details.

Our school policies are reviewed regularly by the Governors, to ensure they are up to date and compliant.

We are on Instagram @brackenburyprimaryportslade 

Find out what we have been up to!

Learning with others

We are an active member of the TTSA group of schools.  The schools are Balfour Primary, Brackenbury Primary, Mile Oak Primary and Queens Park Primary and Varndean Secondary School.  In the dynamic landscape of education, we, a collective of visionary headteachers, have emerged, driven by our shared commitment to enhance the educational journey of both students and staff alike. United in purpose, we have formed a collaborative alliance, pooling our expertise and experiences to cultivate an environment where every child can thrive and every educator can excel.

We are proud to be part of the Portslade Cluster of Schools.  We work with other schools for the good of all the children in our area.


School Ping is the way that we send out all of our communications.  Not only does this system give you instant information, it reduces the use of paper.  Please see below for pings that are sent out to the whole school.  

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