Safeguarding Contacts
Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Claire Roman
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Tracey Adams
Safeguarding Governor:
Sandra Mulholland
Local Authority Designated Office (LADO):
Kay Whitcroft
Click on the this link to download our Safeguarding Information for Parents/Carers and Visitors.
Our Brackenbury Mission: Safe and Happy Children
At Brackenbury we consider the safety and happiness of our children to be paramount. For this reason, we have a range of policies and procedures in place that help to ensure these goals and we regularly include assemblies, workshops and lessons on protective behaviours to ensure the children develop the life skills to keep themselves and others safe. Click on the pdfs (below) to see the following policies:
Safeguarding Policy 2024 - 2025
Whistleblowing Policy March 2023

Safety Net Support
We work very closely with Safety Net, a local charity, whose brief is to:
"work with children, families, schools and neighbourhoods, building communities where children know they have the right to feel safe and adults are actively involved in protecting them from harm."
We have had staff training from Safety Net and they have worked with individuals and groups of children in developing knowledge of and skills around protective behaviours.
Online Safety at School and at Home
As online safety is a very important issue that affects nearly all of our young people from a very early age, we deliver regular lessons on safe online behaviours and make sure that it forms the subject of a key stage assembly each half term.
We follow the Be Internet Legends programme and code:
As well as regular assemblies at school, children can access information and games and videos to support their understanding of online safety at home.
In addition, CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) has a very helpful website:
Useful Websites and Contact Numbers
Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership (BHSCP)
Front Door For Families
Safety Net 01273 411613
Childline 0800 1111
Online bullying help:
Bullying advice:
Survivors Network (supporting survivors of sexual violence and abuse)
YMCA Wise Project (supporting children and young people to stay safe in their relationships)