Celebrating success

House points
All of the children and staff at Brackenbury Primary School are assigned a House. The Houses are named after local parks and each house is associated with a colour. The houses are:
Victoria (blue) East Hill (green) Vale (red) Wish (yellow)
Our House System aims to bring together our school community and promote our values of ‘We are proud. We are determined. We are brave. We are Braceknbury Best’ It is designed to reinforce and reward desirable behaviours for learning and to engender a team spirit and feeling of community. The House System connects all year groups within the school, providing them with the opportunity to further develop skills and experiences in order to become confident individuals. The House System gives the children the opportunity to:
- work to help each other build confidence through collaboration
- persevere through a task
- take risks as a group to achieve a common goal
- learn to be enquiring and creative in a safe environment
The school aims to achieve this through the House System by providing House members with enjoyable and competitive House events; thereby allowing the children to succeed both in and outside of the classroom. We have sports competitions, including things like tri-golf, athletics and cross-country. We laos have poetry competitions and music quizzes.
We also have house meetings led by the house captain and vice-captain who encourage the children to earn house points.
Each week the children collect house points for their house. Children earn house points in a variety of ways e.g. fantastic work, amazing effort, positive behaviour choices, following the school rules and demonstrating the school values. Each week the house points for the week are totalled.
On Friday morning when we hold our ‘Stars Assembly,’ the whole school finds out the winning House for that week. On the following Monday the children from the winning house are given a non-school uniform day as a reward for all of their hard work. We let families know the winning House each Friday via School Ping.
Each Friday, we celebrate successes at our star of the week assembly. Each teacher celebrates a child who has shown a fantastic attitude in their learning, attitude or behaviour. They receive a star of the week certificate which they take home and share with their family. We also have a class of the week chosen by the headteacher and playground stars chosen by our excellent play team.
During star of the week assembly, we also ask teachers to choose one child who has really shown our school code and teh Brackenbury Way during that week. Those children all celebrate with a Hot Chocolate as a reward with the headteacher. It recognises those children who come in everyday with a positive attitude and try their Brackenbury Best.