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Governors are like a Board of Directors who make decisions about how the school is run.

Governors work with senior leaders in the strategic development of the school and in raising standards of achievement. Duties include setting the school’s vision, aims & objectives, approving the school budget and appointing the headteacher.  School Governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities.

Governors must both support and challenge the headteacher, so need to gain an understanding of the school’s overall performance in order to explain its decisions and actions. They do this by attending regular meetings, carrying out school visits and meeting with senior leaders. They also attend training in order to keep up to date with the requirements of their role. Governors work as a team and make collective decisions.

Governing Body at Brackenbury Primary School

Name of governor Governor type Original Appointment date Appointed By Current term
Sandra Mulholland - Co Chair Local Authority  11.02.19 Governing Body 14.07.22 - 13.07.26
Joanne Folwell - Co Chair Co-opted 13.01.22 Governing Body 13.01.22 - 12.01.26
Mary Hutchinson Co-opted 25.01.18 Governing Body 25.01.22 - 24.01.26
Claire Ramlal Parent Governor 07.04.22 Governing Body 07.04.22 - 06.04.26
Sarah Elwick Co-opted 18.05.23 Governing Body 18.05.23 - 17.05.27
Rose Mills Co-opted 05.10.23 Governing Body 05.10.23 - 04.10.27
Matthew Ansell Parent Governor 16.11.23 Governing Body 16.11.23 - 15.11.27
Purdy Lee Co-opted 16.11.23 Governing Body 16.11.23 - 15.11.27
Liam Gallagher Co-opted 25.01.24 Governing Body 25.01.24 - 24.01.28
Neil Storm Co-opted 25.01.24 Governing Body 25.01.24 - 24.01.28
Lizzie Mullarky Headteacher 03.04.17 Member by virtue of their office 01.04.24 - 31.03.28
Claire Cornthwaite Staff 06.10.22 Member by virtue of their office 06.10.22 - 05.10.26

In the past 12 months we also had the following members on the Brackenbury School governing body

Mark Truman Staff 12.10.17 Member by virtue of their office Resigned 14.07.22
Shelley Baker - Chair Local Authority 01.09.17 Governing Body Resigned 
Chris Georgiou Co-opted 04.12.13 Governing Body Resigned
Sue Winn Co-opted 08.11.19 Governing Body Resigned
Ben Lewis Parent 10.12.18 Parents Resigned
Brigitte Groves Co-opted 25.03.21 Governing Body Resigned
Claire Watson Co-opted 28.11.19 Governing Body Resigned
Matt Lindner Co-Opted 02.12.14 Governing Body

Resigned 06.10.22

Emily Taylor Parent Governor 24.06.19 Parents Resigned 23.06.23


Brackenbury Governing Board

Sandra Mulholland - Co Chair

Joanne Folwell - Co Chair


Lizzie Mullarky 

Mary Hutchinson

Claire Cornthwaite 

          Claire Ramlal




         Sarah Elwick



Rose Mills




Matthew Ansell







Purdy Lee Liam Gallagher Neil Storm

Associate members are appointed by the governing body to serve on one or more governing body committee. They may also attend full governing body meetings. They are not governors and therefore do not have a vote in governing body decisions, but may be given a vote on decisions made by committees to which they are appointed.

Governing Body at Brackenbury


Register of Interests 2022-2023

Name of Governor 

Relevant Business Interests 

  Any other educational establishments governed 

Relationships with the school staff including spouses, partners, and relatives 

 Sandra Mulholland

Deputy Headteacher at Balfour Primary



 Joanne Folwell 

Employed by Chichester College



Mary Hutchinson 



Children at school 

Claire Ramlal



 Children at school

Sarah Elwick Employed by University Of Brighton None Children at school
Rose Mills Teacher at Hangleton Primary School None None
Matthew Ansell      
Purdy Lee      
Neil Storm      
Liam Gallagher      

Lizzie Mullarky 

Head Teacher at Brackenbury Primary School



Claire Cornthwaite 

Teacher at Brackenbury Primary School



Governing Body Meeting Dates 2023-2024

FGB                                                 Thursday 5th October 2023                 

FGB                                                 Thursday 16th November 2023     

FGB                                                 Thursday 25th January 2024

FGB                                                 Thursday 21st March 2024

FGB                                                 Thursday 16th May 2024

FGB                                                 Thursday 4th July 2024       

Resources Committee                  As above FGB dates

Minutes of the Full Governing Board and Committees can be viewed on request. Please contact the clerk to the governors at ninapickering@brackenbury.brighton-hove.sch.uk

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