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School Meals at Brackenbury

Healthy and nutritious food and drink not only ensure that children are healthy, but also that they are ready to learn and have the ability to concentrate throughout the day.

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils are entitled to a Universal Infant Free School Meal without charge every day.

Children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 have to pay for their meals (unless you are in receipt of free school meal entitlement). The cost is £2.20 per day or £11 per week or £33 for 3 weeks. Payment is in advance, preferably via ParentPay, or you can pay cash at the school office. If you pay by cash, make sure the money is an envelope with your child's name, class and 'dinner money' marked on it.

Your child chooses their meal option (the teacher will let them know the options for the day) at morning class registration. (You do not have to prebook their meals.) If your child has a food allergy, intolerance or other special dietary requirement then please contact the school office.

Every day there is a vegetarian option and a school packed lunch option (which includes a drink). Your child can also bring in their own packed lunch. Please note that this should include no sweets or chocolate.  It is also very important that home packed lunches include no nuts of any kind or in any form (including Nutella or peanut butter), as we have children at the school with severe allergies. Water is always available for all pupils.

The school has a School Meal Debt Recovery policy September 18

Please see below for the latest menus.

School Meal Menu - Starts 3 October 2023 to 25 March 2024

If you feel your child might be enitled to Free School Meals you can follow this link to apply -



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