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School Uniform

We would like to foster a feeling of community and identity within our school.  For this reason, we ask that children should wear clothes in these colours.  

  • Jade cardigan or sweatshirt 
  • Navy polo shirt
  • Navy trousers 
  • Navy skirt
  • Black or navy tights
  • Navy pinafore
  • Dark, flat shoes (not trainers)
school uniform

In Summer children may wear the same uniform or the following

  • Blue/white checked gingham summer dress
  • Grey/white ankle socks
  • Navy shorts (black or navy socks)
  • Polo shirts (cardigan and sweatshirt) as per normal year group colour

This letter explains exactly what all uniform expectations are.  

Uniform expectations

For PE

  • a pair of plain navy or black shorts
  • trainers for outside PE (plimsolls will be acceptable in some weathers)
  • a plain white, round neck T-shirt or a round neck t-shirt in house colours  Red – Vale Blue – Victoria  Green – Easthill  Yellow - Wish
  • Black or blue plimsolls for indoor PE
  • Your child will need a named bag
PE shortshouse t-shirt

Please note: only small, plain studs may be worn. Multiple piercings are not acceptable. Nail varnish is not permitted. Children are not permitted to come to school with dyed hair.

For winter games children can wear navy/black jogging bottoms and a navy/black jumper. Hooded tops should not be worn. 

NOTE: All jewellery must be removed for PE and Games. 

School sweatshirts and cardigans are available from the school office daily, along with navy polo shirts, book bags and water bottles.  

Skirts, trousers, shorts and dresses are available at any shop that sells uniform.  Jade cardigans and jumpers are also available elsewhere if you do not wish to purchase one with a school logo on.  

We have plenty of second-hand uniform available for children.  Not only is this cheap/free to pourchase, it is also very good for the environment too!

If you have any problems with purchasing uniform, do come in to see the office in confidence.  

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