Welcome to Brackenbury Primary School
Our fantastic school community could not be prouder to welcome you to our Brackenbury family. If this is your first child starting school, we will support you every step of the way and will be here to answer any questions you may have. If you have done this before, we are still here for you. We know how important the first year of school is and we want you to get the most out of it!
We have planned out key events for your transition - please see the key dates on this page. (These are also in the welcoming email.)
What do you need to do now?
Return the forms to us as soon as possible so we can set you up on our school system.
Put the key dates in your school diary - you will find these at the bottom of this page.
From Monday 1st July, you can come up to school to visit the office and choose story books to take home and read. You can do this at any point during school hours. Do remember to come and ask if you have any questions at all.
We are excited to meet you and begin your child’s learning journey with us.
Lizzie Mullarky - Headteacher
Getting ready for school
Starting school is an exciting time for children and their families. Our local Portslade schools have produced a document to help get you ready. It lets you know things you can do before joining us in September. Click here to see the booklet. We hope it will give you some ideas of how to prepare your child.
We are delighted that in March 2022, OFSTED graded our school and the Early Years as GOOD. These are some of the things that they noticed
Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum that builds upon what children learn in the early years. Here, they learn and develop strong skills that they can use with increasing independence. Pupils build the knowledge they need to succeed in well-ordered steps. Reading is at the heart of the curriculum. Children start learning phonics as soon as they begin in the Reception class.
The school offers well-chosen books that entice readers of all ages to love reading.
In every year group, teachers help pupils to learn the vocabulary that helps them with their topics. As part of their dinosaur topic, for example, Reception children relished learning the word ‘palaeontologist’.
There is a strong sense of teamwork that runs throughout the school.
Our parents said
"I am so proud of my son. He is learning so quickly."
"My daughter is really good at writing now."
"We've seen great academic progress and pastoral care. The focus on reading confidence has really helped."
School Uniform
- Jade cardigan or sweatshirt (available from the school office)
- Navy polo shirt (available from the school office
- Navy trousers or shorts
- Navy skirt
- Black or navy tights
- Navy pinafore
- Dark, flat shoes
Key dates for your diary
Thursday 13th June, 2024 – 6.15pm
Welcome meeting for parents
- Meet your child's teacher and teaching assistant
- Meet the headteacher and assistant heads and SENCO
- Find out about breakfast and after school club provision
- Buy/order uniform
- Meet other parents and make new friends
- Sign up for 1-1 meetings with the teacher before school
- Choose a stay and play session(s) for your child
Tuesday 2nd July 9.30 – 10.30am and Monday 8th July, 2024 9.30-10.30am
- Stay and play session with new friends and spending time with your new teacher and teaching assistant
- You can come to either or both of these
Tuesday 3rd September, 2024 1-3pm One-one meeting with the teacher (individual appointments)
Wednesday 4th September, 2024 9-3pm One-one meeting with the teacher (individual appointments)
- Come and see your classroom ready and set up for your first day at school
- Find out where your peg is and what we have for you to do
- Parents - you get to talk about your child with their teacher so we can get to know you and them
The children will start school on Thursday 5th September. The week will go as follows
- Thursday 5th September – mornings only
- Friday 6th September – morning and lunchtime (1pm finish)
- Monday 9th September – all day (3pm finish)
If you wish your child to be part-time for longer, please do talk to us and we will plan with you how best to do this.